We are a creative human rights organisation with a focus on children’s rights.

We believe children deserve to have their rights fully recognised and respected, just as all humans do.

We want to ask hard questions about how we live, what needs to change and how we can contribute to a planet where all the intersections of our identities can thrive.


British military: Adolescent veterans three times as likely to take their own lives

Veterans aged 16-19 have been three times as likely as same-age civilians from socially deprived backgrounds to end their lives. The Pressure Cooker: Child recruitment and suicide in the British armed forces looks at why such early enlistment heightens risk of mental ill-health.


Current EU chemicals laws allow severe children’s rights violations. How can we stop this?

Our new report uncovers the links between hazardous chemicals and children’s rights violations in the European Union (EU) and beyond.

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Ending impunity of UN peacekeepers who commit child sexual abuse

Not enough has been done to prevent the recurrence of child sexual abuse by the United Nations peacekeepers. Another scandal cannot be tolerated and abuse must stop. Our strategy sets out what it would take to fight the impunity for child sexual exploitation and abuse committed by UN peacekeepers and is available in English, Spanish or French.


Our values: The CRIN Code

It sets out our values, our principles and our vision for a rights-respecting world and how we intend to get there, in the hope that others will collaborate or simply take inspiration and start their own rebellion.
